June 20 & 21 Projects
Boys & Girls Club of Waynesboro, Staunton & Augusta County
10am-1pm & 1pm-4pm
4 to 10 volunteers needed for outdoor clean up at Waynesboro location (pulling weeds, mowing, sweeping, raking, etc.).
Supplies needed: various yard equipment/tools for clean up.
New Directions, Location TBA
10am-1pm & 1pm-4pm
7 to 12 volunteers needed to organize/declutter the emergency shelter.
Supplies needed: trash bags, storage bins/totes, boxes and, if possible, shelving units.
Renewing Homes of Greater Augusta, Location TBA
10am-1pm & 1pm-4pm
4 to 8 volunteers needed for critical home repairs.
All materials provided by Renewing Homes of Greater Augusta.
Valley Children's Advocacy Center, Staunton
10am-1pm & 1pm-4pm
5 to 20 volunteers needed to paint (touch ups), deep clean, organize, change light bulbs, and prep for Queen City Mischief & Magic festival.
All supplies provided by the center. (Donations of rags, paper towels, dusters, cleaning supplies, and tools are always welcome!)
Valley Supportive Housing, Staunton
10am-1pm & 1pm-4pm
2 volunteers needed to wash outside windows (ground floor only) on multiple buildings in Staunton.
All cleaning materials provided by Valley Supportive Housing.
Waynesboro YMCA, Waynesboro
10am-1pm & 1pm-4pm
5 volunteers needed to clean and organize group fitness and aquatic equipment.
All cleaning materials provided by YMCA.
June 20 Only Projects
Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS), Staunton & Waynesboro
2 to 12 volunteers needed to deliver meals, for Meals on Wheels, to homebound seniors in either Staunton or Waynesboro. Volunteers will need to have their own vehicle (per two volunteers).
Volunteers need to sign up by June 13, 2024 for Meals on Wheels.
June 21 Only Projects
ARROW Project, Staunton
10am-1pm & 1pm-4pm
2 to 5 volunteers needed to paint door frames in office.
Supplies needed: paint brushes and paint trays
Embrace, Waynesboro
3 to 12 volunteers needed to work in the Community Gardens, organize clothes for the Green Hanger Project, and stock food at food pantry.
Supplies needed: gloves for working in the garden
Mental Health America of Augusta & Embrace Community Center
3 to 12 volunteers needed to work with Embracing Veteran Brunch group to cook and serve brunch for 35-50 veterans during their weekly group meeting.
Supplies needed: breakfast food for 35-50 veterans (Food can either be brought in or prepared in the kitchen day of the meeting.)
Valley Program for Aging Services (VPAS), Waynesboro
1 to 3 volunteers needed for garden maintenance (pulling weeds and deadheading flowers as needed).
Gardening tools will be provided by VPAS. Please bring your own gloves. If you have favorite gardening tools, bring them too!
Valley program for Aging Services (VPAS), Waynesboro
4 to 6 volunteers needed to wash exterior and clean interior of vans used in the VPAS transportation program.
All supplies provided by VPAS
2024 projects were completed by:
2024 Days of Action Recap
12 Companies
10 Host Agencies
46 Volunteers
122 Hours
$4,086 Value to Our Community
To check out the photos from these two impactful days, visit our Facebook page.